慶應義塾大学 大学院政策・メディア研究科 入試Webエントリー Keio University Graduate School of Media and Governance Admission Web Entry System
Application involves submission of documents online through the Admission Web Entry System and submission of application Documents by Postal Mail. BOTH, not just one, procedures must be completed in order for an application to be considered.
Read the application guidebook carefully, and make sure you follow application procedures completely and correctly.


* The PDF that appears by clicking on ア is for reference purposes only. Note that the content may differ from the actual entry screen.
Documents to be Submitted Online through the Admission Web Entry System
ア.志願者調書 (Application Form)
イ.研究計画書 (Research Plan)
ウ.研究歴(任意) (Research Experience (if any))
エ.任意提出資料 (Other Supporting Documents (optional))
(Record of Communication (Only for the Application from Overseas))

〔修士課程のみ (Master's program)
カ.志望理由書 (Statement of Purpose)
キ.研究計画に関するビデオ(海外出願者のみ) (Video about your Research Plan (Only For Application from Overseas))

〔後期博士課程のみ (Doctoral Program)
ク.新規授業科目企画書 (Original Syllabus Proposal)(社会人コースをのぞく (Not For Doctoral Program for Career Professionals)
ケ.業績書 (List of Career Accomplishments)(社会人コースのみ (Only For Doctoral Program for Career Professionals)

〔記入を依頼するもの (Documents you need to make a request to someone to fill)
コ.研究指導引受書 (Letter of Acceptance to Act as a Research Supervisor)
サ.評価調書 (Evaluation Reports)

Documents to be Submitted by Postal Mail
See the Application Guidebook for details of documents required for application.

See the Application Guidebook for details of documents required for application.